A Day in the Stars

Monday, December 4th

Nicholai Adelrik

Nicholai happily waved his hand opening another doorway in the air before him. He had finished his trip to Argos or P3X-8596, and was getting ready to embark to his next destination of Gemmond, or P3X-422. He had taken up using the SG1 designations to help remember which planets he had been too and which ones he hadn’t. At least this way he could be sure he would never mix them up. You would be surprised how many planets had the same name just in a different language. Waving goodbye to the friends he had made he shouldered his pack and stepped through the doorway. It was a normal trip but just as he was going to open the exit he felt a harsh tug on his hand. With a not so manly yelp the exit opened and he was forcibly sucked through. Normally his exits were graceful and beautiful but this… would be comedy gold. Tucking and rolling he found himself being deposited onto a balcony with as much force as if he had been shot from a cannon.

Tucking and rolling as he hit the ground he inwardly cringed as he crashed through a glass door to roll and sprawl in the middle of a room. Laying on his back he panted softly not moving as he tried to get his bearings. Tilting his head to look right and left he didn’t mind the glass tinkling out of his hair and off of his black shirt. Slowly he rose into a sitting position and gently wiped away the glass. ”I do hope the owner of that door won’t be too mad at me.” he spoke in a soft, deep, timbre, more musing to himself. Hearing a fluttering sound lavender eyes turned skyward as he was hit in the face with the welcome letter. ”Gah!” he let out a hilarious startled sound catching the letter as it fell to his lap. ”Well hello there little friend. What might you be?” he spoke curiously to the letter turning it over and over in his hands before opening it. Curious at the weight he found a letter, a map, a ring box, and various other things. A quizzical look came over his features as he opened the letter and read it. ”Well color me grunple.” he muttered not seeming too worried about the news in the letter. Instead he popped open the ring box and whistled softly in admiration. Shifting he stood to his full 6’5” height and looked around. ”Hello?” he called out wondering if this habitat had anyone else in it.

Dar'thir Zauviir

The month passed rather swiftly. Dar’thir kept himself busy with his classes, meeting his friends and even teaching his friend Toni, another female remarkably, about making runes as well as the sign language the Drow use to communicate during stealth missions or even war. She was a fast student at that! It was a bit strange at first for the Drow, as he wasn’t used to teaching anyone anything and had no experience as even a small time teacher, but he enjoyed sharing his knowledge this way. Of course he was improving his own runic knowledge as well as finally working on learning some small healing techniques. This day started as usual as always, the drow asleep on the bed and Faerun laying on the other half of the bed all sprawled out.

He had not had a roommate for a month now and the two had adjusted accordingly. At least, it was a peaceful night until a sudden loud crash followed by breaking of glass made the young man and the dragon jerk up so fast that Dar’thir pulled along the blanket launching Faerun off the bed. The dragon gave a call of surprise but managed to avoid hitting the floor by quickly flapping their wings. Usually he would have reprimanded the drow for being so careless, but he was also shaken by the rough wake up. Faerun looked around while the drow stared at the door to the living area and kitchen, his heart felt like it was stuck in his throat! After a short hesitation, the young man got out of the bed softly and using his knowledge of stealth he picked up his pouch with runes and tied it to his waist before walking to the door and carefully peeked through the glass trying to remain unseen in the process.

Dar’thir could only see that the glass of the balcony was broken from where he stood, but he missed the male laying on the ground at first. It looked clear enough but he didn’t see all of the living area so he was cautious. It didn’t take long before he saw that letter flying through the air though and he blinked a bit. He remembered that letter, Malice and him had been given them as well when they arrived. Still it didn’t tell him much about the person that just arrived. Had they fallen through the glass? Or did they break it in a fit of rage? The young man had to admit he felt anxious about this but he suddenly felt a push from behind, though it wasn’t a hard one. Looking behind him Dar’thir noticed that Faerun had pushed him. "Are you going to check what happened or are you going to cower here forever?!" they called in a loud whisper.

Dar’thir blinked at them for a moment. What was wrong with being cautious?! But when he turned back to the door and looked through the glass he suddenly saw the other person had gotten up and was now looking around, even calling out which didn’t sound menacing at all. Hoping he wasn’t wrong and this was indeed a new student, the young man opened the door slowly before he walked into the room ahead. "H..hello." he replied carefully, observing the one before him. They were tall, much taller than him that was for sure and he had no idea how they ended up here, but perhaps all was right. "Are...you alright?" the dark elf asked as he could slowly put together they had crashed into the balcony doors, rather than hit it as there was nothing nearby that could have been used for a weapon.

Faerun sighed and bumped Dar’s head with his small claw before he flew further into the room. "You’re always so timiiiiid!" he whined as he flew near this new person and sniffed the air around them. "Don’t mind him, how he ever got this far without me there, I will never know! My name is Faerun and this is my drow Dar’thir. We live in this dorm. Who are you?" they rattled off as usual as they flit around the new arrival as if looking them over in as short a time as possible. As usual, the faedragon had no inkling of personal space as he got right in the other’s face once looking at their eyes before flying back a bit and stared at them. Dar’thir shook his head and walked into the room as well. "I have to apologize for the behavior of my companion. He can be rather rude at times." he said, causing Faerun to huff and cross his small arms. The young man wasn’t sure what to do right now. His druid instinct wanted to look them over to see if they weren’t hurt or injured. But not knowing what they would think about it or do caused him to keep a bit of a distance for now. They looked healthy enough.

Nicholai Adelrik

Nicholai carefully dusted himself off after a moment of no answer. Maybe he was alone in this dwelling? Shaking himself he made sure to straighten out his clothing and check for glass and other debris. Hearing a sound from another room the dimension hopper tilted his head and looked towards one of the other doors. Perhaps he wasn’t alone? This thought made him smile softly. He oh so enjoyed meeting new people. When no one immediately came from the other room he gave a slight pout and tried again. ”Hello?” a bit louder this time. Perhaps they were scared of him? Folding his right arm across his stomach he took his chin between his pointer and thumb in his left hand thinking. He had been rather loud when landing.

Hearing rustling and something that sounded like whispering from the other room Nicholai waited patiently and made no sudden movements. He had met some rather skittish peoples in his travels and patience usually won with them. Movement caught his lavender eyes and his face lit up like the sun as he saw two very unique and interesting looking creatures appear before him. He smiled brightly at the one who greeted him and asked if he was alright. He was a bit surprised to find he could understand the dark skinned one. Holding out his arms he looked down at himself and twisted this way and that. ”Hello! I do believe so. I am terribly sorry about the side of your dwelling. It was an uncontrolled landing.” seeing the flying creature admonish the dark skinned one and then fly to him; Nicholai’s eyes danced with excitement. Holding up his hands it was obvious he wanted to take Faerun and turn him this way and that to look him over but he refrained from touching the dragon. You never knew how someone else would respond to touch, or if they were even safe to touch! Pretty things usually were dangerous.

Hearing the dragon speak the smile on Nicholai’s face grew into a full blown grin. ”WOW! You are so beautiful and simply amazing! You remind me of the sparks from the moon of M4C-862! The way the light glitters and reflects off of you is stunning!” it was very obvious that he was excited to see Faerun and didn’t mind his closeness at all. He looked to Dar’thir when he was introduced and then back to Faerun. ”Hello to you both. Is Dar’thir your pet?” he tilted his head curiously and then blushed embarrassed his left hand rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. ”Oh my apologies Dar’thir.” how could he have misunderstood their relationship they had come from the same room and called each other in a possessive manner. Feeling out of sorts he left that alone and tried to make himself seem as non-threatening as he could. ”My name is Nicholai Adelrik. I’m a traveler. Could you by chance tell me the designation of this planet? Perhaps point me in the direction of the Stargate?” if he could find the Stargate he could decipher where he was from the runes on it.

It was as if something brilliant had struck him as he looked shocked and turned around searching the floor and balcony. Finding his pack he let out an excited exclamation retrieving it. A smooth deep timbre laugh came from his chest as he finally caught sight of the grounds outside. Stunned to silence shock was evident on his face as he leaned on the railing looking around with intense interest. ”This place is gorgeous! Do you own this entire place?” he turned and looked back at Dar’thir with a look of admiration.